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1 Jul 03, 2008 16:25    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered


I am wondering if someone can point me to where I can edit the layout of the comments page. I have already set up the style through the css of my custom made skin but I not able to find the code that governs the layout of the comments. I am talking about things like: removing the words "comment from:" and getting rid of the permalink below each comment.

One other thing (perhaps will be obvious if I know the answer to this first thing),
I would like to assign a different background color to comments by members as opposed to guests. ( like some wordpress themes) can this be done?

Thanks in advance for any help you can give. (I am always impressed with the depth of technical support on this forum)

Don J.

2 Jul 03, 2008 17:24

I don't have a 1.10.x version lying around, so this is just guess work .... or you could upgrade and I could be more specific ;)

I *think* the file you're looking for is /skins/[skin name]/_feedback.php ( if that doesn't exists then copy the same file from /skins/ into /skins/[skin name]/ ). Hopefully it'll make sense and you can change the bits you want.

To assign classnames for members you can luse the author id with something like :

echo '<div class="'.( empty( $Comment->author_ID ) ? 'visitor' : 'member' ).'">';

/// rest of comment stuff

echo '</div>';


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