1 edb Jul 30, 2008 22:49
3 edb Jul 30, 2008 23:08
Good deal - thanks. I sorta knew it was easy but I just don't poke around in files much anymore.
Oh and I read a news bit about cuil a few days ago, then saw a referer hit from them. The person who wrote cuil wrote something that searches previously that google actually bought up. She (I'm pretty sure the person is a she) then decided "google is lame" and quit and wrote a new thing. I just used them and, to me, based on one search, cuil sucks. But hey calling something a google killer is fun :)
4 afwas Jul 30, 2008 23:17
Remarkable that you saw the referrer, so probably it actually *is* indexing something.
5 sam2kb Jul 30, 2008 23:53
This is from http://www.cuil.com/info/
Cuil searches more pages on the Web than anyone else—three times as many as Google and ten times as many as Microsoft.
You can compare results :lol:
6 edb Jul 30, 2008 23:59
Yeah that's why I said right now they suck. They might INDEX a billion million gazillion pages, but they don't return any matches to search strings. Doh!
7 sam2kb Jul 31, 2008 00:01
That's right :>>
So adding one is an easy do-it-yourself operation.
Good luck
FIXED in head