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1 Aug 02, 2008 22:53    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

I'm editing from Vastitude, and I've removed the little block of text that appears by default at the top of each post, between the title and body copy, that says "Posted by" and the date, etc., however, I can't seem to reduce the space between the title and body copy now. Could anyone suggest a way? I've searched for line breaks or paragraph tags, but there are none.

Thank you so much for your help!

2 Aug 02, 2008 23:29

A link to your site would help...

3 Aug 03, 2008 20:47

Thank you for your reply, John. I can't link to the site because it isn't live yet and my client wants to keep it password protected until then. Thanks, anyway :)

4 Aug 04, 2008 00:05

I've been able to get rid of that space, but I can't seem to get rid of the space up over top of the title now. Does anyone know how to move the title and body text up higher? Thank you!

5 Aug 11, 2008 06:42

For firefox install web developer and DOM inspector and it can show you a lot about any page. For IE there's similar product, can't remember the name of it. Opera has a dev tool built-in Tools->Advanced->Developer Tools

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