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1 Aug 03, 2008 21:36    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

Could anyone please tell me how to remove the "Comment feed for this post" link, and/or how to edit the action_messages class (it's not in style.css) to change the appearance of the action messages, such as "Your message has been sent", etc.? Either of these answers would be very helpful! Thank you so much for your time. I'm using the Vastitude template, if that makes a difference, but I think the answer will be in the blog folder somewhere. Thank you!

2 Aug 03, 2008 22:10

njb8 wrote:

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

Could anyone please tell me how to remove the "Comment feed for this post" link, and/or how to edit the action_messages class (it's not in style.css) to change the appearance of the action messages, such as "Your message has been sent", etc.? Either of these answers would be very helpful! Thank you so much for your time. I'm using the Vastitude template, if that makes a difference, but I think the answer will be in the blog folder somewhere. Thank you!

To remove the 'comment feed for this post' open your under in .../skins or .../skins/yourskin if it's included in yourskin...

and look for :

	// _______________________________________________________________

	// Display link for comments feed:
	$Item->feedback_feed_link( '_rss2', '<div class="feedback_feed_msg"><p>', '</p></div>' ) ;

	// _______________________________________________________________

around line 186-191...

and for the action messages; it's included in one of the css in the .../rsc/css files, probably basic.css

but you dont need to modify that file , just insert action messages class in your skins stylesheet and style it, it will be overriden

3 Aug 03, 2008 23:13

Thanks so much, tilqicom! :D

4 Aug 05, 2008 04:16

tilqicom, would you happen to know how to delete the "Auto-BR" and "Allow message form" options at the bottom on the comment input text box? I found code that would appear to be the place to edit, in skins/basic/, but when I take that code out, nothing changes on my page, so I'm stumped. Thank you for all your help! I did try to figure it out on my own, but when that didn't work, I realized I better ask ;)
Thanks so much!

5 Aug 05, 2008 12:56

njb8 wrote:

tilqicom, would you happen to know how to delete the "Auto-BR" and "Allow message form" options at the bottom on the comment input text box? I found code that would appear to be the place to edit, in skins/basic/, but when I take that code out, nothing changes on my page, so I'm stumped. Thank you for all your help! I did try to figure it out on my own, but when that didn't work, I realized I better ask ;)
Thanks so much!

the file you should edit is
replace these lines with the default ones around 136-144(lines ve been commented out so that you can change them back if you change your mind) :

//	 $comment_options = array();
//	if( substr($comments_use_autobr,0,4) == 'opt-')
//	{
//		$comment_options[] = '<label><input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="comment_autobr" tabindex="6"'
//													.( ($comments_use_autobr == 'opt-out') ? ' checked="checked"' : '' )
//													.' value="1" /> '.T_('Auto-BR').'</label>'
//													.' <span class="note">('.T_('Line breaks become &lt;br /&gt;').')</span>';
//	}
													//note to self: auto-p has been disabled

notice that if there is a '' file in your ../skins/yourskin/ folder it loads this one first instead of the one in your .../skins .
which i mean look out for this file under ..skins/yourskin folder if does not exist in there go one folder up and modify the default one..

or better [url=]get the file here[/url] and replace the original file..

one last note: you know hacking the core is not a good idea even for the tiniest thing(as you can forget what core hacks you did after an upgrade), writing plugins is better , but hacking the core is what i can.. so i'd recommend you write down the core changes you did..cheers

6 Aug 05, 2008 13:32

Thank you again for your help! So far, I'm changing things where ever I can get them to work, but your advice is well noted. I didn't know that's what plug-ins are for, so I'll look into it... maybe eventually I'll be able to do it that way. Thanks again for sharing your knowledge! I appreciate your help! :)

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