2 tilqicom Aug 28, 2008 02:34

Thanks for feedback.
one small suggestion, you can replace that skin list with a dropdown box, tc
In todo list
It is discussed. At one point Francois asked me why I would want it and my only answer was that I use it when I'm busy with coding a new skin. That was enough for Francois to cut it out of the core and I fully agree with him.
It's fine there is a plugin now, but this is not a killer feature for normal endusers.
Thanks anyway.
Plugin updated.
New: dropdown list ;)
Afwas wrote:
It is discussed. At one point Francois asked me why I would want it and my only answer was that I use it when I'm busy with coding a new skin. That was enough for Francois to cut it out of the core and I fully agree with him.
It's fine there is a plugin now, but this is not a killer feature for normal endusers.Thanks anyway.
thanks for the info Afwas, but there's gotta be another reason to it else than 'lack of importance' as it is not included even in the skin showcase..
.. you know, skin directory temporarily makes the skin available for one page which is not enough, single post or page modes are completely different than main posts sometimes and users can not preview it, like that simple zen of yours.
my point is, does making this feature enabled would allow any security issues or is it really deprecated just that it lacks necessity ?
I wrote all I know ;) There's no security issue. Francois rewrote all skin features into widgets and didn't like this one.
Great !
Actually, necessity for such a plugin was my template is a dark one, and i have some readers who ask me how to read my blog with a lighter template.
So was my request.
Thank you very much for your help ! :D
Removing skin switching from the core removes a lot of useless bloat, basically. Look: most people who used b2evo back when it had skin switching didn't bother with it because most people maintain ONE skin. So why bother with a seldom-used feature in the core?
As a plugin? Fine. In the core? BLOAT!
Plugin updated to v0.3
Added an option to memorize "tempskin" in cookies
Fixed some bugs
nice sam2kb (:.. we have discussed this issue [url=http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=15363]earlier[/url] but couldnt find reasons to why it has been removed.. this feature should be included in the core maybe, if there is no serious danger..
one small suggestion, you can replace that skin list with a dropdown box, tc