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1 Sep 04, 2008 06:49    

I'm not an expert or anything at php or at evo, so I'm having a bit of trouble with this.

I just want the image to be displayed at it's original size. Whether it's 640x480 or 800x600, which is what I currently have up. I've added the custom coding into my inc/files/model/_file.class.php file, but it doesn't seem to be working properly, or else I'm using it wrong. Either way, it wants to default to 720x500 size.

Again, I don't know if it's because I placed in the code wrong, or whether there's an issue with the template itself. :( Any help is superbly appreciated.

2 Sep 04, 2008 06:43

Hi Zabe,

Welcome to the forums.

Crack open /skins/photoblog/_index.main.php and from this code (around line 160):

			// Display images that are linked to this post:
			$Item->images( array(
					'before' =>              '<div class="bImages">',
					'before_image' =>        '<div class="image_block">',
					'before_image_legend' => '<div class="image_legend">',
					'after_image_legend' =>  '</div>',
					'after_image' =>         '</div>',
					'after' =>               '</div>',
					'image_size' =>          'fit-720x500'
				) );

comment out the line 'image_size'

You may want to combine this with my [url=]jQuery Image Fit plugin[/url] that will automatically set the max-size to the container (div) it's in, so larger images won't overflow the content column.

Good luck

3 Jun 16, 2009 08:58

Afwas wrote:

comment out the line 'image_size'


i uncomented that line but the images are still resized. any ideas? i also cleaned the database cache.


4 Jun 16, 2009 09:10

strange... if i set anything else than 720x500 as the image size it just displays a thumbnail of 80x80px.

6 Jun 16, 2009 22:23

great! thanks sam. i'll test that.

7 Jun 28, 2009 18:11

Worked for me today, thanks!

(I also inserted a comment listing the possible sizes into my (modified) Photoblog skin, wonder if whoever is in charge of that skin might want to do that, just to reduce the mystification factor?? Just a thought....)

9 Jun 28, 2009 19:43

I added a list of possible values to the file in CVS HEAD.

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