2 nelsonguirado Jan 26, 2009 23:33

Wow, that would be bad. Could you please describe what you did exactly?
I tried to reproduce it: Create a post, autosave it, save it. Edit it, change the date, autosave it, save the post. Post is still in the database... I also tried not to autosave it, but the post still hasn't been deleted... :)
I wrote a [rather long] post. Later, I went to change the time so that it would go above another post. When I pressed to save, it completely disappeared. It happened with another post as well.
Hm. I tried it. Wrote a post, autosaved and saved it. Edited and set date to the future: Post is still there, of course it doesn't appear on the front end. But it's still visible in the backoffice...
Sorry. I really can't reproduce this?! :/
Maybe someone else could try it? Please? :)
nelsonguirado, what version of b2evo are you using?
And are you using the latest plugin version?
Can you give us a step-by-step list to reproduce this?
Thanks for reporting this bug and hopefully getting it fixed.
As close as I can remember:
I wrote the post. The next day I went to change either the date, the time, or both. I pressed "save" and it was completely, irretrievably gone. It happened on another post, but, luckily, the feed in Google reader still had it, and I was able to get it from there.
I'm pretty sure I had the latest version and I'm using 2.46.
Well, I still can't reproduce it - I've done what you said you did. :|
Anyway, my plugin doesn't call any methods/functions that could delete a post... It only deletes its own (autosaved) post data if you save a post or delete the autosave data manually.
I'm using b2evolution 4.1.3 and I installed the "Save and review / Autosave" plugin.
When I opened a post and I modify something and after I hit the "Save (and review)" button I have the following error:
"An unexpected error has occurred!
If this error persists, please report it to the administrator.
Go back to home page
Additional information about this error:
unhandled action 1:"
If there is no modification added on the post and "Save (and review)" button is hit, the error doesn't appear and I'm redirected to "All" tab from the blog's Dashboard.
Is this plugin compatible with newer versions of b2evolution? Should it be used with 4.1.3 for example?
Why do you need the plugin ? there is already a save & review button in v4
For the Autosave function :)
It's not compatible with b2evo 4.
This plugin, can save your day if you're not a copy-paster :)
The plugin completely deletes posts if you change the date later.