2 tilqicom Sep 13, 2008 22:30
Hi tilqicom! Thank you for your help. It's working!
I'm not sure about where to put the code you gave me to move the Leave a comment and Name textbox over to the left margin. Is see in _item_comment_form.inc.php, there is mention of bComment, but I don't know exactly where to put the code. Could you please tell after which line to place it?
I guess I do need that spacer, because I would like a little more space at the top than in the original template, so I turned spacer.gif black and the line disappeared, but the strange blinking insertion line still appears to the left of the title graphic if you click there. Do you know where that might be coming from?
Thank you so much for your help!
njb8 wrote:
I'm not sure about where to put the code you gave me to move the Leave a comment and Name textbox over to the left margin.
tilqicom wrote:
.post h3, .bComment {clear: both;}
place this line into the end of your sytle.css file..
njb8 wrote:
I guess I do need that spacer, because I would like a little more space at the top than in the original template, so I turned spacer.gif black and the line disappeared, but the strange blinking insertion line still appears to the left of the title graphic if you click there.
No you dont need an extra image to put some space..
simply add this to your style.css
#wrap { padding-top: 100px;} change the px value in your needs
lastly about that 'mysterious insertion line' , i have no idea about it all i can see is an approx, 30px line which is 'spacer.gif'.. if you can see any other line than that please show it with a screenshot or sth.. good luck in advance
Thank you! I guess I won't worry about that mysterious line for now. If I click to the left of the title graphic in Firefox, it starts flashing on and off, just like a giant text insertion line. I don't see it in Sea Monkey, and maybe it's not there in IE either, so I won't bother with that for now.
Do you know if there's a way to effect the main page, comment page and feedback page separately in back office? I inserted that "Inspiration" graphic that you can see on the comments page, and at one point after an edit, it stopped showing up on the main page and only shows up on the comments page now, so I'm wondering if there's a way to put it back on the main page, as well? In back office, I don't see a way to work on just one of the pages at a time, and it's still there in my widgets, so I don't know why it wouldn't be showing up on the main page.
I would also love to take the 2 buttons in the right column off of the comments and feedback pages. I just want those on the main page... or is that not possible? I imagine that's a difficult thing to do.
Thank you so much!
no it's very simple.. vastitude skin uses only index.main.php...
check other skins which includes seperate displayers for single.main.php , posts.main.php page.main.php... like evopress or simplezen , there are many out there , good luck
OK, thank you for letting me know about those other skins. At this point, I have to stick with this one, but in the future that's good to know. If this one doesn't effect each page differently, I wonder why my graphic shows up on the comments page but won't show up on the main page. Maybe if I remove the Free HTML widget and put it back in it will work... I'll give it a try. But I guess with vastitude, I have to have the right column stay the same for all pages, correct?
njb8 wrote:
If this one doesn't effect each page differently, I wonder why my graphic shows up on the comments page but won't show up on the main page.
It does effect differently, but you can't just edit them differenly, if you really want to stick with your vastitude skin, simply copy the single.main.php and page.main.php etc from other skins and edit them accordingly (you know the wrapper and other divs etc.)
njb8 wrote:
But I guess with vastitude, I have to have the right column stay the same for all pages, correct?
no you dont have to..
you can disable it in whichever format you like, you can disable it in comments mode, page mode etc.. if you dont want it in the comments mode just pull out the code from the single.main.php etc..
as i said fiddle with those files, it's pretty easy just compare them you will notice the different bits , good luck again, do not hesitate if you need further assitance
You're very kind, tilqicom. Thank you so much. I'll try those things and see what I can do. So far, I found that the title graphic does show if I go to URL:
but not if I go to:
I really don't understand where the /inspiration came from, but I saw that long URL when I went to edit the post. I'll keep trying things, and look at the files you told me about. Thanks!
njb8 wrote:
You're very kind, tilqicom. Thank you so much. I'll try those things and see what I can do. So far, I found that the title graphic does show if I go to URL:
http://testsite8.freehostia.com/inspiration/index.php/inspirationbut not if I go to:
http://testsite8.freehostia.com/inspiration/I really don't understand where the /inspiration came from, but I saw that long URL when I went to edit the post. I'll keep trying things, and look at the files you told me about. Thanks!
not at all.. but i just dont understand why you insist on that skin while you need anotjher (: your design is not that complex ftm being.. just grab the evopress strip it from the bg images, set the width and bg images and there you go..i recommend you reconsider my suggestion (: good luck
I guess I'm just afraid of starting over after all the hours I've spent trying to get this one to work... you could have a good laugh if I told you, but I didn't keep track. :D OK, advice well taken, I'll look into it... thanks so much, tilqicom! I learned a lot today, thanks to you, and the next one should go more smoothly.
njb8 wrote: