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1 Sep 16, 2008 16:37    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x


I'm using the custom skin, and I want to know how to alternate the background colors from one post to the next, to help make the posts stand apart from each other. I also want to use an alternating repeating background image along with the alternating colors.

This question has already been answered thoroughly on the following post:

However, the PHP code is written differently on the most recent release of the b2evolution software. I can't get the code from that post to work with the code from the new index.main.php page. Can someone help me re-format the code please?? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!

2 Sep 16, 2008 16:56

<div class="bPost_<?php echo ( ( $odd = empty( $odd ) ) ? 'odd' : 'even' ); ?>">

Then just use css to style .bPost_odd / .bPost_even


3 Sep 16, 2008 17:03

Awesome! It works...thanks!

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