2 tilqicom Oct 02, 2008 08:47
Thank you Afwas!!!
I find it very great and simple for a first release!
Some development ideas:
- Add a possibility to config the time that post in the shoutbox stay visible,
- Add an antispam or bridge it with the actual of b2 to avoid some bad posts...,
- Add the possibility of a private chat (for member who are connected), but i know you already working on it ;) , (i think it would be great with the opening of the private chat window from the toolbar),
- Add the possibility to config the size of the shoutbox AND of the two "cases" (i don't know how to say it in english : Name and Message) which, for the moment are bigger (larger) than my sidebar :D
- ... I'm sure other ideas will come :idea:
Bye everyone! and thank you one more time :D
I really like the idea of this chat. I tested it out on your page but after installing it it just reads "Waiting..." and my messages do not go through. Is this not a 2.x app? Thank you.
The second release of the plugin is available. Private chat for members is now implemented.
Download: [url=https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=160495&package_id=293525&release_id=630903]jquery_chat_plugin-1.0.9[/url]
to prevent members pretending to be some other member, shortly to make the name input read only for logged in users:
echo '<p id="messagewindow"><span id="loading">Waiting...</span></p>
<form id="chatform">
Name: <input type="text" id="author" value="' . $this->user . '" />';
if ( is_logged_in())
echo '<p id="messagewindow"><span id="loading">Waiting...</span></p>
<form id="chatform">
Name: <input type="text" id="author" value="' . $this->user . '" readonly/>';}
else {
echo '<p id="messagewindow"><span id="loading">Waiting...</span></p>
<form id="chatform">
Name: <input type="text" id="author" value="' . $this->user . '" />';}
Just to twinkle your curiosity a bit, i can say [url=http://www.blog.hemminga.net/]Afwas[/url] has more goodies coming up in his hands (;
Dear tilqicom,
I know you want this feature and you know I don't. Alas, I will do this in the next release.
Since you are using (clientside) javascript the code you posted above is easily circumvented. You want to do this serverside (PHP).
Have fun
Afwas wrote:
Dear tilqicom,
I know you want this feature and you know I don't. Alas, I will do this in the next release.
Since you are using (clientside) javascript the code you posted above is easily circumvented. You want to do this serverside (PHP).Have fun
and i know yer kinda mad cos i ve been bugging you about it ever since, nvm; i ve edited the post : P.. you may think it's incompetent, but it does the trick so i am gonna use it 'till the next version though :scoffs: :)
Please put the solution back. It should work. It's just not 'as safe as the Bank of England' but who cares in a shoutbox.
Afwas wrote:
Please put the solution back. It should work. It's just not 'as safe as the Bank of England' but who cares in a shoutbox.
i really could not think why would such a tiny 'read only' edit would cause security issues.. nvm yer the master, you must ve known better (;
There's no security issue, just don't rely on that code. I can break it (pretending to be someone else). That's all.
The plugin allows you to easily customize your chatbox's look.
You can customize everything seperately, the chatbox itself as a whole, the message window, colours of private and public messages, chatbox title, input fields, submit button etc, you can give all of these their own look.The plugin is shipped with default css classes for each.
Here is a simple example how it'd look like tweaking it a bit:
get it [url=http://www.cssdizayn.com/assets/jqchat-sky.zip]here[/url]
I have your css file and have uploaded it to the server. Here is my stupid non-coder question, how do I use it?
Other things I would like to do with this that seem simple for a coder:
1. Only logged in users can chat (maybe with an else statement that says "you must be logged in to chat"
2. Hide the "room" and "name" input fields to simplify. This will be used by kids so the easier the better
3. clear the chat box when browser closes
I'm also very happy to have this widget!
So my comments:
- I would like to see date
- Possibilty to have a "reset"
- How I could create a link to be able to open in pop-up windows? I want to use it more as chat than shoutbox and it will be convenient for eyes...
I have a problem with this plugin, but only in IE. It always show "waiting" instead of displaying messages. If I wrote messages, it's well recorded in database since if I view my website in Firefox or Opera, I can see those messages.
I don't know what causes problem. DebugBar in IE tell me no JS error.
Link to site : http://science24heures.com/comtt/ with temporary user/pass : test0/test0.
PS I know there is a big problem with CSS in IE, I solve thing one bye one...
I am a complete n00b when it comes to this sort of stuff. I am learning as quickly as I can, but have hit a few snags. I tried to load this plugin. Once I have installed it, I see absolutely nothing. When I say nothing, I mean truly nohing. the page that loads is completely and utterly blank. I am quite sure that there is something that I am missing. Could someone give me a detailed (step by step instructions) list on on what I need to do to make this plugin in work? I would greatly appreciate it.
had the chance to test it, it's plain but yet effective.. 4kb eh, it seems this one will be easy on the servers unlike the other shoutboxes (yea that was a shallow verdict ..at least i hope it will) ty very much, as i ve mentioned earlier this one filled a reasonable gap in b2 extensions when compared to its competitors where nearly all had that kind of plugin/ext.