2 pyogazel Nov 20, 2008 15:23

Hi! I could do that. Just wait until the next year :)
Thank you very much!
I'll wait then! :D
Is there any news on adding an option to search for a Flickr user's photos, and not just creative commons one? I'd really love to use this on my site!
Oh! :)
I will try to work on it on the next week ;)
Thanks! I'm actually trying to do it myself, but no luck so far... I need to learn Flickr API :P
But I can wait a little while :)
I'm will have to learn the authentication API, just some days more! ;)
To everyone that asked for, I added the feature to search in your own flickr account.
You can grab the file here: http://b2evolution.waltercruz.com/media/blogs/b2evolution/photo_dropper_plugin-0.2.zip
After that, you will need to set your flickr account on your username profile. Then you will see a 'Only my pics' checkbox when using photo dropper.
If you find some trouble, tell me!
Thanks Walter - I plugged it in and tested it, and it works, sort of.
I added my Flickr username in my profile info, which worked fine. I then did a search of my photos (ticked the checkbox and used some tag search words in the field) but it didn't bring up the correct results.
For instance, a photo is tagged 'princess sock puppet', but instead of that photo being brought up first in the results, it brought up *all* of the photos in my Flickr account, instead of just that photo.
Maybe needs some tweaking to get the search function to bring up more relevant photos.
Anyway, thanks for the work on the plugin, I really appreciate it!
Oh! So, it's broken ;)
Well, it will get better with each new version...
keep watching ;)
That's ok - I tried doing some Flickr API stuff myself and it went way over my head. And it's not like it didn't work at all, it just needs tweaking I think.
First, I love photo dropper! It does exactly what I need. I am having some operator issues.
Once I can see my photos, each one has an s m and l under it. (I know - small, medium and large). How do I get the photo into my blog? So far all I have been able to do is drag it and it is really to small when I do that. If I drag the s m or l, all I get is the letter showing up.
Thanks for your help.
Just click on s, m or l ? ( I really don't remember.. and this plugin needs some love from the developer - myself!)
4.0.5 released on 03/23/11
can someone PLEASE tell me how to set this up? no instruction are included with the download from the developer, all I got is a search box.
this plugin is dead i guess!
pretty please :D