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1 Oct 30, 2008 06:54    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

I'm working on implementing b2evo on some sites which have been running a really old (1.x) MovableType backend. In any event I'm having some difficulty creating b2evo skins which match the old MovableType templates.

I currently have two problems which I haven't been able to find a solution for so far and am hoping people here have some ideas.

1) I want to have the default for the skin be the single, most recent post. This itself isn't too difficult as I can just call $Item = mainlist_get_item(); once instead of using a while loop as is normally done. Unfortunately, this doesn't set things for single post mode so I can't use item_prevnext_links(); to navigate between postings. The old MT template code was

  <MTEntryPrevious> <a href="<$MTEntryLink$>" target="_self">&laquo; <$MTEntryTitle$></a> | </MTEntryPrevious> <a href="<$MTBlogURL$>">Current Week</a> <MTEntryNext> | <a href="<$MTEntryLink$>" target="_self"><$MTEntryTitle$> &raquo;</a></MTEntryNext>

Does anyone have any idea how to force a skin to always use single post mode even when viewing the main page?

2) This site operates using iframes. I need to set the BASE target="_top" so that links in the posts open correctly but the BASE parameter is already set in the header using the skin_base_tag(); function. Is there any way to modify the BASE parameter without completely hacking things?


2 Oct 30, 2008 14:11

for the first one;

try adding:

		// ------------------- FEELS LIKE.. (SINGLE POST MODE) -------------------
		     $MainList->single_post = true;

		// ------------------------- END OF PREV/NEXT POST LINKS -------------------------

before the start of the posts

this should work.i ve needed such a thing earlier, thanks to ¥åßßå, it had worked for me back than

3 Oct 30, 2008 16:27

2) This site operates using iframes. I need to set the BASE target="_top" so that links in the posts open correctly but the BASE parameter is already set in the header using the skin_base_tag(); function. Is there any way to modify the BASE parameter without completely hacking things?

You can change the BASE url to the one you need but you'll have to make all skin links absolute rather than relative. I don't think it would be hard to do.

Good luck

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