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1 Nov 08, 2008 14:01    


Im using the 2.4.5 version of b2evolution and the evocamp skin. I validated my blog ( and got just 2 errors. The first is because I don't have any item in the menu (ul without li inbetween). The second is in the categories-selection-form:

<li class="widget_core_coll_search_form"><h2>Suche</h2><form action="" method="get" class="search"><p><input type="text" name="s" size="25" value="" class="SearchField" /><div class="search_options"><div class="search_option"><input type="radio" n...

The validator says, that the "<div class="search_options">" is not allowed to appear in this context and the recommended solution is to put "</p>" after the search field. This would mean a change in _coll_search_form.widget.php.


2 Nov 19, 2008 00:57

Hello Folks,
I too have this problem, cured by altering the code in
inc\widgets\widgets\_coll_search_form.widget.php from line 108

		if( $this->disp_params[ 'disp_search_options' ] )
			$sentence = get_param( 'sentence' );
			echo '<p class="search_option">';
			echo '<input type="radio" name="sentence" value="AND" id="sentAND" '.( $sentence=='AND' ? 'checked="checked" ' : '' ).'/><label for="sentAND">'.T_('All Words').'</label>';
			echo '<input type="radio" name="sentence" value="OR" id="sentOR" '.( $sentence=='OR' ? 'checked="checked" ' : '' ).'/><label for="sentOR">'.T_('Some Word').'</label>';
			echo '<input type="radio" name="sentence" value="sentence" id="sentence" '.( $sentence=='sentence' ? 'checked="checked" ' : '' ).'/><label for="sentence">'.T_('Entire phrase').'</label>';
			echo '</p>';
		echo '<p>';
		echo '<input type="submit" name="submit" class="submit" value="'.T_('Search').'" /></p>';
		echo '</form>';

		echo $this->disp_params['block_end'];

		return true;


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