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1 Dec 01, 2008 02:09    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

Does anyone know in the glossy blue skin, which css tag in the style.css changes the coloring of the days of the week. I have modified the skin quite a bit already. I got the Month to change, and the date #'s to change, but can't figure out where the #**$ the tag is for the days? Please any help would be appreciated...if you want my blog is at
Thanks in Advance...

2 Dec 01, 2008 02:30

in the blog_elements.css find...
th.bCalendarHeaderCell {
color: #999;
font-size: 84%;
width: 4ex;

and edit color


3 Dec 01, 2008 16:06

Oh...Ok wrong css file...I knew that too because I had been tracing the execution using web developer tool bar, and had seen the call for that tag name, and seen it in the editor in Web developer under blog_elements.css...mystery explained and thanks again...

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