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1 Dec 05, 2008 17:16    

Im quite new at all this and I seem to need some help. I have installed this plugin and the lightbox plugin and everthing seems to work. But I have a problem..

When I am adding pictures they dont show as thumbnails, just as "lines". They are thinn! Like this:

What mistakes am I doing?

Would be happy for some help!

:oops: please excuse my english, haha. Im from sweden. :p

2 Dec 05, 2008 17:20

Excuse my english, I'm from ... well belgium, but that's by the by, I live in england now ..... until the authorities catch up with me :D

Anyway, your english is far better than mine ;)

I'm gonna hazard a guess that you have a permissions problem on the image folders as the thumbnails don't exist ( the "thin strip" is the borders and stuff ). eg/ [url=][/url]


Actually, probably not a permissions problem as the full size image lives ... check in /bloggen/media/blogs/a/thumb_plugin/thumb_plugin/ and seeing what files/subfolders you have

3 Dec 05, 2008 17:28

thank you for a quick answer!

haha. your english is way better than mine, Im close to fetch the dictionary every second, :) good for you that you can practise in england tough, dont let them catch up with you! :p

well... as I said, im new at this. what does it meen that I have a permissions problem? :oops: how can I fix it?

4 Dec 05, 2008 17:33

I dunno, I'd rather practice english somewhere a tad sunnier :D

Use your ftp and have a look inside /bloggen/media/blogs/a/thumb_plugin/ and see what files / folders you have ... the problem on your blog is that it can't find the thumbnail image


5 Dec 05, 2008 17:40

true true! then you dont have to come to sweden either, haha.

there are the pictures that I want to post. the ones I have used. (named: jojo01, jojo02 ect) Isnt that correct then?

6 Dec 05, 2008 17:44

I dunno, sweden has a lot to offer ... mainly the roads out :D

The plugin is looking for a thumbnail in /bloggen/media/blogs/a/thumb_plugin/thumb_plugin/ if that folder doesn't exist in /bloggen/media/blogs/a/thumb_plugin/ then it'd point to a part of what your problem is.

I've never used this plugin so I don't know what settings it has, but you may like to check them


7 Dec 05, 2008 17:55

i dont know if i understand exactly..
the folder "thumb_plugin" does exist in /bloggen/media/blogs/a/thumb_plugin/. was that was you were asking me before? or am I too confused right now?
the folder "thumb_plugin" exict and it is empty. is that bad?

8 Dec 05, 2008 18:03

yeah, that's bad ... mainly because it means I now need to go find the plugin before I can help you further :P


9 Dec 05, 2008 18:10

ooh. okej.
do you have time for that? i dont want to cause you any boring problems, but I would REALLY appreciate any help I can get!

10 Dec 05, 2008 18:14

it'd help if you linked me to both plugins ;)


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