2 maximxolod Dec 29, 2008 19:26

Plugin updated to v0.2
New: Fully customizable header and/or footer
Fixed all reported bugs (thanks to maximxolod)
Plugin updated to v0.3
Now supports multiple users
Any user can post to their Live Journal
Please note: all previously crossposted items will be assigned to the user #1 (admin).
You can set any user ID in _lj_crosspost.plugin.php (line 61)
To assign all posts to user #8 change
Hi, great plugin,
i`m getting "Сначала вы должны указать пользователя LiveJournal."
where to set it?
All plugin settings were moved to user profile since v0.3
Plugin updated to v1.0.0
Added support for b2evolution v4.1 and newer
I use b2evolution 4.1.4. I installed the LiveJournal plugin in global settings, but it doesn't show up in the plugin settings for individual blogs, so I can't set the LiveJournal credentials. What am I doing wrong?
(Blog here: http://robertholm.com/scrawl/)
Those are per-user settings located on user profile page in backoffice. They apply to all user blogs .
Oh, now I see. It works perfectly, thank you very much!
This plugin nolonger works under 5.0, any chance of an update?
Its having problems, because its calling the deprecated validate_list() function, which is broken in 5.0...because validate_renderer_list() now takes two args.
I don't suppose an update would be doable? I wish I knew enough about programing to update it myself, but yeah.....
Thank's very much!