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1 Jan 06, 2009 10:42    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

Hello everyone brand new to this blog application but have a little bit of experience with hacking code and stuff but no expert

here is my problem
I am trying to integrate this blog application into my existing website trying to acheive the look and feel of my own site around it

i have the latest 2.4.5 version and i installed without issue onto my webhost which is all working fine I have also installed a few skins

I downloaded the simple zen skin and am trying to embed it into a custom skin i have created

i have managed to get a lot of the blog components to display on my screen

but i get the following error

Sub template [_posts.disp.php] not found.(this file does not exist on my install nor was it in the download unless i am mistaken
this is my index.main

 * This is the main/default page template for the "custom" skin.
 * This skin only uses one single template which includes most of its features.
 * It will also rely on default includes for specific dispays (like the comment form).
 * For a quick explanation of b2evo 2.0 skins, please start here:
 * {@link}
 * The main page template is used to display the blog when no specific page template is available
 * to handle the request (based on $disp).
 * @package evoskins
 * @subpackage custom
 * @version $Id: index.main.php,v 2008/04/26 22:28:53 fplanque Exp $
if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );

if( version_compare( $app_version, '2.4.1' ) < 0 )
{ // Older 2.x skins work on newer 2.x b2evo versions, but newer 2.x skins may not work on older 2.x b2evo versions.
	die( 'This skin is designed for b2evolution 2.4.1 and above. Please <a href="">upgrade your b2evolution</a>.' );

// This is the main template; it may be used to display very different things.
// Do inits depending on current $disp:
skin_init( $disp );

// -------------------------- HTML HEADER INCLUDED HERE --------------------------
skin_include( '' );
// Note: You can customize the default HTML header by copying the generic
// /skins/ file into the current skin folder.
// -------------------------------- END OF HEADER --------------------------------

// ------------------------- BODY HEADER INCLUDED HERE --------------------------
skin_include( '' );
// Note: You can customize the default BODY heder by copying the generic
// /skins/ file into the current skin folder.
// ------------------------------- END OF FOOTER --------------------------------

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<meta name="description" content="Free to play Football prediction game, win cash by predicting the amount of goals that will be scored in football matches"/>
<meta name="keywords" http-equiv="keywords" content="Barclays Premiership, The Championship, League one, League two, premiership fixtures, score predictor, football prediction, predict, barclays premiership, football coupon, football prediction game, free online game, free game, free fun games, free fun stuff, online, games,football, soccer, prediction, action, sport"/>
<title>Goal Challenge Free to play Football prediction game</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="js2/tab.js"></script>


<div id="shell">

<div id="topbar">
	<div id="logo"><img src="../img2/topbar-logo.gif" alt="" width="199" height="33" /></div>
  <div id="toplinks">  <a href="/logon.php">Login</a> | <a href="/register.php">Register to play</a>  </div>
<div id="top-cap"></div>
<div id="wrapper">	

  <div class="clear"></div>
  <div id="leftSide">
	                <ul id="tabs">
<li><a href="index.php" class="tab-on" >Home</a></li><li><a href="htp.php">How to Play</a><a href="games.php">Games</a><a href="download.php">Download</a></li><li><a href="results.php">Results</a></li><li><a href="links.php">Links</a></li>	
	<div id="statusInfo">
    <table width="723" border="0">
    <td width="531" height="39">
    <td width="182"></td>
    <table width="721" border="0" align="center">
    <td width="449" valign="top"><div id="content" class="narrowcolumn">

		// ------------------------- MESSAGES GENERATED FROM ACTIONS -------------------------
		messages( array(
			'block_start' => '<div class="action_messages">',
			'block_end'   => '</div>',
		) );
		// --------------------------------- END OF MESSAGES ---------------------------------

		// ------------------------- TITLE FOR THE CURRENT REQUEST -------------------------
		request_title( array(
				'title_before'=> '<h2>',
				'title_after' => '</h2>',
				'title_none'  => '',
				'glue'        => ' - ',
				'title_single_disp' => true,
				'format'      => 'htmlbody',
			) );
		// ------------------------------ END OF REQUEST TITLE -----------------------------

		// -------------- MAIN CONTENT TEMPLATE INCLUDED HERE (Based on $disp) --------------
		skin_include( '$disp$', array(
			) );
		// Note: you can customize any of the sub templates included here by
		// copying the matching php file into your skin directory.
		// ------------------------- END OF MAIN CONTENT TEMPLATE ---------------------------

// ------------------------- BODY FOOTER INCLUDED HERE --------------------------
skin_include( '' );
// Note: You can customize the default BODY footer by copying the
// file into the current skin folder.
// ------------------------------- END OF FOOTER --------------------------------

// ------------------------- HTML FOOTER INCLUDED HERE --------------------------
skin_include( '' );
// Note: You can customize the default HTML footer by copying the
// file into the current skin folder.
// ------------------------------- END OF FOOTER --------------------------------
    <td width="262" valign="top"><?php
// ------------------------- SIDEBAR INCLUDED HERE --------------------------
skin_include( '' );
// Note: You can customize the default BODY footer by copying the
// file into the current skin folder.
// ----------------------------- END OF SIDEBAR -----------------------------
// ------------------------ SIDEBAR 2 INCLUDED HERE -------------------------
skin_include( '' );
// Note: You can customize the default BODY footer by copying the
// file into the current skin folder.
// ----------------------------- END OF SIDEBAR -----------------------------

<div id="rightSide">
	  <div class="sidebar">
		<h4 align="center">

           <td width="628"><table width="152" border="0">
     <td><div align="center"><span class="cse-branding-logo"><img src="" alt="Google" /></span></div></td>
     <td width="186"><form action="" id="cse-search-box">
         <input type="hidden" name="cx" value="partner-pub-0967897782511009:epvrzs-r390" />
         <input type="hidden" name="cof" value="FORID:10" />
         <input type="hidden" name="ie" value="ISO-8859-1" />
         <input type="text" name="q" size="20" /><table width="155" border="0">
    <td><div align="center">
      <input type="submit" name="sa2" value="Google Search" />

     <td height="37"><p align="center">
       <style type="text/css">
@import url(;
       Search the web</p></td>
		<h4 align="center"><?php
  //<!--/* OpenX Local Mode Tag v2.6.3 */-->

  // The MAX_PATH below should point to the base of your OpenX installation
  define('MAX_PATH', '/home/fhlinux139/g/');
  if (@include_once(MAX_PATH . '/www/delivery/alocal.php')) {
    if (!isset($phpAds_context)) {
      $phpAds_context = array();
    // function view_local($what, $zoneid=0, $campaignid=0, $bannerid=0, $target='', $source='', $withtext='', $context='', $charset='')
    $phpAds_raw = view_local('', 13, 0, 0, '_self', '', '0', $phpAds_context, '');
  echo $phpAds_raw['html'];
        <p align="center">&nbsp;</p>
	<div class="clear"></div>
<div id="bottom-cap"></div>

<div id="footer">
	<div id="logo"><img src="../img2/footer-logo.gif" width="215" height="32" /></div>
	<div id="footlinks">
		<a href="/htp.php">About</a> | <a href="/download.php">Download</a> | <a href="/privacy.php">Privacy</a>	</div>



i understand that i have a bit of work to do on the css but you can see my output here

sorry if this is classed as spam

hope someone can help or point me in the right direction

2 Jan 07, 2009 10:27

I don't see that error on your link, have you fixed it ?


3 Jan 07, 2009 10:59

thanks for the reply i cheated a bit because of lack of time and knowledge by inserting an iframe and messing with the css of the simple zen skin

I did only have one concern if anyone can answer it will this affect the SEO.

if anyone can tell me what implications inserting an iframe might have in any form i would more than welcome the comments

Again thanks for the reply

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