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1 Feb 08, 2009 20:24    

Found something odd happening. I have a this->msg in my AfterItemUpdate bit that tells me "nothing changed". So I'm finally testing this thing and noticed that I get that message when I initially create a post. Weird? I went ahead and put a this->msg in each of the 6 hooks associated with this area and made another post.

* AdminBeforeItemEditCreate
* PrependItemInsertTransact
* AfterItemInsert
* PrependItemUpdateTransact
* AfterItemUpdate
* No changes detected so no changes made #5.

So the only one that didn't get used was AdminBeforeItemEditUpdate. Obviously I can remove the msg that highlighted this to me, but I'm curious: why would b2evolution use dbupdate() after using dbinsert()?

* I'm assuming that's what is happening based on the trail this->msg is showing me.

2 Feb 09, 2009 07:58

Something to watch out for : if you (un)set data based on itemupdate, it gets triggered if the user hits "publish now" ... took me a while to work out why all my data kept meandering off into the sunset for no apparent reason :-S


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