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1 Feb 18, 2009 19:14    

My b2evolution Version: 2.4.6

I've just finished my Arabic translation and I've managed to make the skins align right to left. However, I couldn't customize the Chicago admin skin to show the tabs right to left, can anyone help?

Also, I can't find any admin skins or guides to create my own, is there any?

Thanks a lot...

2 Feb 18, 2009 19:42

Hi MackOSX. Welcome to the forums!

Wow you have skins going RTL? Would you please share the skin(s) or at least tell everyone what they need to do if they want that?

I can't help you with the tabs issue - sorry. I'm sure you know it is an unordered list that looks like tabs and goes inline due to css, but beyond that I simply don't tinker much in there.

To the best of my knowledge no one has ever shared a custom admin skin. My guess is that this has never happened for a similar reason to why you can't get the tabs to go RTL: so many divs and style classes it makes your head spin to figure out what's what.

3 Feb 18, 2009 20:04

EdB wrote:

Wow you have skins going RTL? Would you please share the skin(s) or at least tell everyone what they need to do if they want that?

I'm writing a detailed guide on how I localized b2evo and customized the skins to align RTL, I'll share all the info soon (in Arabic) and I'll remember to write the same guide here in English.

EdB wrote:

I'm sure you know it is an unordered list that looks like tabs and goes inline due to css

Ah yes, but it's very messy so I'm thinking of writing my own admin style.

EdB wrote:

so many divs and style classes it makes your head spin to figure out what's what.

Ah, yes, it was a pain!
Anyway, "Web Developer" firefox extension made the whole thing much more easier.


4 Feb 18, 2009 20:42

adding "float:right;" to
#mainmenu li, #coll_list li
in chicago.css did the trick.
The tabs go right to left!

5 Feb 18, 2009 20:44

MackOSX wrote:

... Anyway, "Web Developer" firefox extension made the whole thing much more easier ...

For me to play with styles in admin it takes Web developer and stretching the window to use both monitors :(

6 Feb 19, 2009 14:02

Another one, please...

I'm trying to make the label in the settings pages go to the right of the field, so the field will be in the left and its label in the right.
Can anyone help?


7 Feb 19, 2009 15:35

In your /rsc/css/forms.css file find the bits for "fform" and "form" and flip them around. "fform" works in the back office, and "form" works on the public side.

.fform div.label {
	/* float: left; */
	float: right;
	width: 24%;
	/* text-align: right; */
	text-align: left;
	margin: 0;
	padding-top: .5ex;
	/* border: 1px solid #f00; */
.fform div.input {
	text-align: right;
	margin: 0 0 0 25%;
	/* border: 1px solid #f00; */

Now that I think about it, I probably should have changed the margin for .fform div.input and maybe put a margin on the .fform div.label bit. Not working with the margins probably explains why after doing this in Web Developer it looked a little bit funny. Anyway the same thing applies a bit further down the same file for "form with only one f".

8 Feb 19, 2009 15:39

Thanks for the info, they're very helpful!

Thanks a lot ;)

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