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1 Feb 22, 2009 13:21    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered


Does anyone know how I can completely remove "What is RSS?" link in the sidebar?


2 Feb 22, 2009 18:38

Hi MackOSX

You can use CSS to do it by adding the following to your skin css file:

.widget_core_coll_xml_feeds .notes {display: none;}

I have tested the above on my skin and it works fine so give it a try and see how you go.


3 Feb 23, 2009 13:48

I've replaced
display_list( $feedhlp, $this->disp_params['notes_start'], $this->disp_params['notes_end'], ' ', '', '', NULL, $link_params );
display_list( '', $this->disp_params['notes_start'], $this->disp_params['notes_end'], ' ', '', '', NULL, $link_params );
in _coll_xml_feeds.widget.php file (which is in \Inc\Widgets\Widgets\)
And that worked...


4 Feb 23, 2009 14:05

Maybe a config item for this would be a good idea in the next release ?


6 Feb 25, 2009 00:11

Or get rid of it. Way back in the day when people probably weren't hip to aggregating feeds it was possibly a helpful link, but in this modern world if you're gonna have that then you oughta have a "what is the internet?" link :roll:

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