2 managerblue Mar 04, 2009 19:39

I have news update for my blogtika. Today, i use ubuntu OS (Linux) for test b2evolution in english language post but for thailand language maybe some problem in UTF-8 font. I'm finding for fix it. But it's nice when run b2evolution on ubuntu that free and freedom. http://labs.blogtika.com
Today, i install fedora (linux) and test b2evolution but i think it have problem some skin about font that i'm trying fix font hope it run ok for blogger on my website. B2evolution it's nice software for blogger and ok with fedora.
Update some skin when select skin in blogtika. I hope members like it.
For latest beta release: 3.1.0-beta i'm tnteresting update from latest stable release: 2.4.6-stable but now, 2.4.6 stable so i think await full version 3.1.0
I download theme and skin for members in blogtika but some file css maybe error and hard to edit but i'm trying. Thank b2evolution system
Thank Support. I find problem to fix utp-8 in b2evilution forum so thailand language can run on b2evolution that think if thai people have a problem about this system i help them too.
But A Problem Coming. After fix problem new problem come to me when i test register to my website (normal user account) but i'm finding anwser from this board now 95% ready for my website, 5% it a little bit for problem.
- Thank again
- I'm trying present b2evolution to thai people.
- I have new design theme website if you have a free can visit www.blogtika.com
Now, blog community on blogtika.com update b2evo to version 3.3.3 and after update labs team edit php code for thai people, and at present it's ok for support thai language and multi language.
Thank you b2evo for new version.
Now, i modify skin but don't remove credit. It can support thai language and my friend in HK and china that nice b2evolution you can discussion about b2evolution "Thai Blog" or maybe english language can go to http://community.blogtika.com