1 yanger Jul 14, 2004 23:17
3 yanger Jul 24, 2004 04:17
sorry it took a while, but...
no. it didn't work.
it worked for a the first page(of the install), but then it re-appeared as lmn.xyz.com/blogger :|
is there something causing it to go to lmn.xyz.com/blogger instead of just httplmn.net/blogger?
or perhaps there's a hack somewhere I'll have to do?
4 blueyed Jul 24, 2004 18:16
I don't think you'd need multiple installs, but simply have to set your $baseurl to
and that should do it..
You'll have to do a separate install for each domain. Get a text editor and open up the _config.php and _advanced.php in your blogger/conf/ folder. Read through the comments there, and try setting your $baseurl manually. Does that work?