2 yabba Mar 28, 2009 19:27

4. I am talking about a name for the widget, not the list.
5. If I disable JS, b2evo's Quicktags and other buttons are rendered useless, as well as lots of other web pages. Kind of like burning down a house to kill a cockroach, don't you think?
1. This is the JavaScript error Opera throws when I click the "em" button in the Quicktags bar:
JavaScript - http://www.lalaurette.com.ar/blog/admin.php?ctrl=items&action=new&mode=bookmarklet&post_url=http%3A//www.myhq.com/&post_title=myHq%3A%20bit
Event thread: click
name: ReferenceError
message: Security error: attempted to read protected variable
stacktrace: ... Line 266 of inline#9 script in http://www.lalaurette.com.ar/blog/admin.php?ctrl=items&action=new&mode=bookmarklet&post_url=http%3A//www.myhq.com/&post_title=myHq%3A%20bit: In function b2evoInsertTag
textarea_wrap_selection( myField, b2evoButtons
4. You misunderstood yabba. He meant there is an option to change the name that is displayed for the widget in the widget list. He didn't mean the name of the list itself.
5. Agreed. We need an option (in the user profile) to disable the JS widget list and use the normal one.
1. Works for me without problems when I either access the write screen directly via the address bar or click the "Write" link in the evobar. Haven't tested other access methods.
4. No, there's not. I have fields for "Block title", "Block content", "CSS Class" and "DOM ID". That's all. (I have just discovered that if I change the "Block title" and then try to edit it, the field is blank.)
5. I don't think that will solve the problem here. The reordering fails in the latest versions of all major browsers, so it's not a matter of having or not having JavaScript enabled.
1. And this is the error I get when I click "WYSIWYG" to bring up the rich editor and be able to use the Quicktags:
JavaScript - http://www.lalaurette.com.ar/blog/plugins/tinymce_plugin/tiny_mce/langs/es.js?v=3.0.0-dev
No se ha cargado el archivo de órdenes del enlace
JavaScript - http://www.lalaurette.com.ar/blog/plugins/tinymce_plugin/tiny_mce/themes/advanced/langs/es.js?v=3.0.0-dev
No se ha cargado el archivo de órdenes del enlace
I will point out that "No se ha cargado el archivo de órdenes del enlace" means "The linked command file has not been loaded". But the TinyMCE plugin is alive and well.
Sorry, I was on the way out the door before ...
4) actually yer right, it would seem that the default "name for your widget" ( and a few other bits) have been killed since I last checked :-S
5) there was a failure of widgets in HEAD ( their caps ), between 3.0 and 3.1 ... what exact version are you using ( also, could you see if the demo ( [url=http://test.b2evolution.net/HEAD/blogs/admin.php?login=admin&pwd=demopass]evo demo[/url] ) shows the same faults? )
btw. agreed that killing js is a tad like using a sledgehammer ... like I said, I was in a hurry ;)
In a hurry to kill? hehehe ;)
I am using 3.1 beta but... guess what? The reordering in the demo works fine, and now it works fine in my blog as well! (wtf)
Cool. BTW, I committed some fixes to CVS (HEAD + v-3-1), so toggling and adding widgets should work in Opera now.
4. Yeah, it has been removed in 3.1 beta (sorry, I tried the stable b2evo version...).
It would be really helpful if someone else using a recent version of Opera told if s/he has the same problem. I am convinced that Opera is the culprit because it's overzealous about scripting and won't allow cross-domain scripting in any form, but I really don't know what's so cross-domain about clicking a formatting button. I posted a question at http://my.opera.com/community/forums/topic.dml?id=271381 but I'm afraid it was not that well received. :(
for #4: Will it be returned? May I add, widget-wide or blog-wide or across the board, as well?
4) urm, you can? there's a "name for your widget list" field that's independent of your container title
5) disable js and you should have the normal way of re-ordering