2 yabba Mar 30, 2009 17:36

Will take a look. But I haven't found the first problem in my installations (a scratch install and a live upgrade from 2.4.6).
Are you using a fresh install? have you done a upgrade from 2.4.6?
When I ask it to sort by Title, it sorts the list by the titles of links, and will repeat the categories to each link when it has a new category.
¥åßßå wrote:
1) try comparing your settings with the demo, which appears to work, http://test.b2evolution.net/HEAD/blogs/admin.php?ctrl=widgets&blog=1&login=admin&pwd=demopass
It doesn't work for me. I have the same settings as the demo, but categories are repeated, as you'll see: http://www.lalaurette.com.ar/blog (The linkblog is "Other places", in the right sidebar. It's down below because I also had problems reordering the widgets.)
Walter: Upgrade from 2.4.6, without a glitch except for this and the reordering thing. ;)
I upgraded the mine from 2.4.6 too. Do you mind to take a screenshot from your linkblog settings?
Walter wrote:
I upgraded the mine from 2.4.6 too. Do you mind to take a screenshot from your linkblog settings?
Ok can, reproduce it on a running 3.1 install. Will try to look at HEAD to see if the problems still happens, if so, will try to fix it today.
Sorry, any news about this?
BTW item #2 is an old item. Go there initially and it is Z to A, but that'll change when I upload. Also if you are on let's say "posts / comments" tab with blog 5 selected and go to the file manager it'll seem like you're in the file manager for blog #5 but when you upload something it'll go to blog #1. I check the URL to see that the params are present first now that I know the bug. 246 anyway. Never got that far in 310.
No news (yet!)
Also, tags under each items aren't well displaying in french, for instance UTF-8 characters as "é" or "è".
Yes, someone broke French in 3.1. I rolled it back to how it was in 3.0. Should be good again in next release.
Great ! Merci beaucoup pour tout ce travail ! ;)
1) try comparing your settings with the demo, which appears to work, http://test.b2evolution.net/HEAD/blogs/admin.php?ctrl=widgets&blog=1&login=admin&pwd=demopass