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1 Apr 01, 2009 11:47    


I use b2evo 1.10.3 and I was hacked on 28 or 29 march 2009 because of a Coppermine installed on the same host.

On each page, I found the following code after <body>

<body><div id='twowg'><script>b='hid';c='den';d=0;a=document.getElementById('twowg');if(a){'absolute';'px';;}</script><!--255811774--><h3>CANON EF 90 300MM</h3>

You can see it here using "view source"

[Edit: source of hack found]

3 Apr 01, 2009 14:07

Thanks a lot !!!! I will delete / or upgrade coppermine asap.

4 Apr 01, 2009 14:12

You need to checkout your index.php for b2evo as well, it *should* show you where the file is that's creating all the links ;)


5 Apr 01, 2009 14:56

I think I will delete all folders then push a fresh version.

For now I dropped the entire site.

I'm asking myself if I have time to migrate to b2evo 2.4.6 ;-)

6 Oct 30, 2009 11:35

Lol. That happened to me before. I thought it was b2evo's fault but then it was in the gallery itself.


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