2 tilqicom Apr 12, 2009 00:19

Thanks for the reply.
Basically I'm trying to find the content associated with the various CSS styles I see as I edit the stylesheet on the fly here at the b2evo demo site.
Items like ".widecolumn" or ".narrowcolumn" are kinda easy to spot as I change their values but others are not.
Maybe I'm not using the Web Developer plugin properly. I'll look at it more closely.
Use Web Developer to outline current item. That'll put a red border around what you're mousing over and give a little path bar that tells you all the doodads about that item. Including ids and classes, so you can see what you'd want to tweak to change something.
Not exactly a list of "this bit does that" but rather effective when trying to figure out how to change something you see that ain't what you want.
Also I use HTML Kit for my file editor, but I'm sure any will do. If I see something in a style sheet and I want to know what it does I search for it in the entire package. So like .blueberries in the style sheet would make me search the package for blueberries" so I can at least find the file (if any!) that calls for the use of the blueberries style thingie.
Panzo wrote:
basic styles are located under .../rsc/xxx.css etc. and each skin has their own style.css styles for their layout that can overwrite those imported values if that's what you mean.. and it depends what FF plugin you use.. web developers explains pretty much