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1 Jul 16, 2004 07:28    

I tryed to modify skin by ading first overall headder and footer by using the php require (...) in the main.php file. with the custom template
But the problem is that the table on rigth moves to go down under the normal content.

So how can change postion content (...) of the (usually) right size of the page containing links, calendar etc..


2 Aug 02, 2004 20:17

Just edit the _main.php file. Make sure that the files you want to include are in the skin folder, and use

<?php require( dirname(__FILE__) . '/filename.php" ); ?>

You'll notice that the "not for lone display" files are named with an underscore. In new versions this isn't necessary, but it's a good reminder that this file is not to be called directly.

Everything starts with the skin's _main.php file. From there, it calls the linkblog, bloglist, stats page, etc., as needed. It also grabs a css file (Look for the '<style> @import(...' or '<link type="stylesheet">' tags) which defines the color, layout, etc., of the skin. Edit the CSS file to change that stuff.

I try to link to the most useful web-design sites that I find. You can find them [url=]here[/url].

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