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1 May 02, 2009 22:34    


Using 2.4.6, I got this error when trying to post a new article.

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/gamenws/public_html/inc/items/model/_itemlight.class.php on line 213

When I checked the blog, I saw that in fact I posted the articles multiple times.

2 Jun 17, 2009 09:53

OK...sooooo...I've done a BUNCH of b2evo blogs and all of a sudden on the latest I'm getting this error. I found a thread on-line with a lot of suggestions and tried them all. Still no luck. I've NEVER had this error EVER before and not sure why all of a sudden I am. I've already posted a bunch of links in the linkblog successfully for this site...went to do a test post and the error started. Deleted a bunch of plugins...and got one post to post without an error...and then on the second try...the error was back. Does this have something to do with the latest revision? Any ideas would be helpful. THANKS Sue

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