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1 May 18, 2009 17:21    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered


I'm beginning to be a bit tired of my current skin, and i'd like to have a more professionnal look for my blog.
As I don't know any skin that would match my request, i picked a look et what u could find for wordpress.

Does anyone think he would be able to do this kind of skin for b2evo ?

The interesting part is headlines, post slide show and of course the design itself...


3 May 18, 2009 19:51

No, but thx, i'm just looking for someone wishing to spend some time, because i think many people would be interested by it

4 May 18, 2009 19:54

It requires js to function


5 May 22, 2009 12:03

So, no way to do this kind of skin ?

6 May 23, 2009 00:15

of course there is. he just does not like js

7 May 25, 2009 11:16

Cool, because I think that the only missing thing for b2evo is semi-professional skins, giving the ability of having a webzine look.

So, if anyone is ready to take some time to produce this kind of skins...he's welcome !

8 May 25, 2009 11:32

The problem with that theme is that it REQUIRES javascript. Try looking at it with javascript disabled and you'll see an example of 'failure to degrade gracefully', which is typical of js-dependent sites. By relying on javascript you would be effectively limiting your audience to those who both have javascript available on their web-surfing tool, and allow "any and all" sites out there to use it.

Not that it can't be done. Its just why take the time to make a skin that is going to look like crap for a noticable percentage of potential visitors?

Kinda like how webs used to have to say "use browser X and screen resolution Y" ya know? Which reminds me I'm starting to see more and more sites that for some reason assume my monitor is more than 1024 pixels wide. That's just silly. One of them even said "we're not changing so you might as well go get a new monitor". I don't go to that site anymore ;)

9 May 25, 2009 11:44

looks pretty simple.. i could do it, if noone else is eager to.most likely the payment forwarded to b2 as a donation.feel free to pm me if you like.

10 May 25, 2009 13:29

Ho, got no money for it.
I was just wondering if I was the only one to think that a few skins like this one would be a great add to b2evo.

But i'm not willing to pay for it, as if i really want it, i can just migrateto wordpress and have those skins for free...

It's just that if someone is interested in this matter and agrees to spend some time on it, i'll be delighted.

11 May 25, 2009 19:39

okay, than i got it wrong..i can still do it, but you gotta wait for some time, i am adding this to watched topics..and oh btw, you are free to migrateto el magnifico wordpres any time :D if you are willing to exchange security for glitter, tc

12 May 25, 2009 21:20

tilqicom wrote:

he just does not like js

EdB wrote:

The problem with that theme is that it REQUIRES javascript.

tilqicom wrote:

okay, than i got it wrong.



13 May 26, 2009 14:32

tilqicom wrote:

okay, than i got it wrong..i can still do it, but you gotta wait for some time, i am adding this to watched topics..and oh btw, you are free to migrateto el magnifico wordpres any time :D if you are willing to exchange security for glitter, tc

Cool, I'll wait :)
And the only way to make me migrate to wordpress is to pay me for it ;)

I saw the previous skins u did, tilgi, so i'm looking forward to see this one !

14 May 30, 2009 06:01

bebealien wrote:

Cool, because I think that the only missing thing for b2evo is semi-professional skins, giving the ability of having a webzine look.

So, if anyone is ready to take some time to produce this kind of skins...he's welcome !

WebZine-look themes are not just the only type of "semi-professional" themes ;) There are plenty out there that aren't WebZine-look and doesn't require JS.

If you have a low-number of non-JS users and you think you can sacrifice them, then go for JS-required designs, but if it's the other way around, don't. For my other blog, I can do just that since it's gamer-centric, specifically online games.

I am converting (or trying to) a webzine style game-theme from WP. I'm not concentrating on it though, but I'm going to have it another go with b2evo's 3.2.0-beta feature for "Skin Settings" (which webzine themes requires).

But again, I'm not all-out for it. It already appears to me to be heavy, not just because of the JS but images as well. It's more of an experiment and learning tool for me. If successful, I'll make it available (but probably with no support :p )

EdB wrote:

Kinda like how webs used to have to say "use browser X and screen resolution Y" ya know? Which reminds me I'm starting to see more and more sites that for some reason assume my monitor is more than 1024 pixels wide. That's just silly. One of them even said "we're not changing so you might as well go get a new monitor". I don't go to that site anymore ;)

Wow, which site is that? Personally, sites should be no greater than 1000px wide.

Classic! "This site looks best with Internet Explorer 5.5." "This site was designed for Netscape 3." "Looks best in 800x600."

We're slowly going back that route :p

"This site is using the <video> element. Please use Firefox 3.5 and Opera 10 only."

"This site is using all CSS selectors, please use Safari 4 and Chrome only."

15 Jun 01, 2009 10:10

Laibcoms wrote:

I am converting (or trying to) a webzine style game-theme from WP. I'm not concentrating on it though, but I'm going to have it another go with b2evo's 3.2.0-beta feature for "Skin Settings" (which webzine themes requires).

Cool ! Hope to see this soon :)

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