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1 Jun 07, 2009 12:36    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

I'm nearly done setting up my color schemes, but I can't for the life of me figure out where the small font that's showing the descriptions of each field in the Contact form is having it's color set. Is it not in styles.css?

It's by default an off-white color, and the only thing I have left that's an off-white color is a border somewhere. I've tried changing this border, but I don't even see where it shows up, so I changed it back. The Contact form descriptors did not change when I did this.

2 Jun 07, 2009 13:25

Ok, its a span....
Search your CSS files for span.notes. If you can't find it then
in your folder rsc, open the css folder and edit forms.css by adding the following...... color is your choice.


3 Jun 07, 2009 16:37

Better to add the class def to your skin css than to change /rsc/edit_forms.css ;)


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