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1 Jun 16, 2009 15:42    

My b2evolution Version: 2.x

Hello everyone!
I have a problem with the title for the main page of my blog. Here is what I did..... I have removed the title from the general blog settings for my blog, and put html into the tagline to load both my logo image and tagline. It ended up looking pretty good. but....

The only problem is that my main page doesn't have a title. The html shows: <title></title>. All the post pages, and tag pages have their own titles, but my main page doesn't have one. When I create a post it tries to ping blog sites, but has errors because my blog has no title. I tried to edit the but all I could do was make all pages have the same title (not good) or it didn't load the html code at all if it was below where the title code is empty from the b2evo script.

Does anyone know any good ways to replace the text title with a logo?

Maybe someone should make a plugin so that you can add a logo image instead the blog title text. Or one where you could just make the title text invisible on the page, but still load as just the title.

I am using nifty corners and B2evo 2.47 at

2 Jun 18, 2009 20:20

A very easy way to add a banner to skins like "custom" and other skins who don't use banners in their default design. I'm surprised this is ever mentioned in SET UP INSTRUCTIONS since MOST people want to use banners!

In the folder "skins", look for the page "" and open it with a text editor like Notepad.

(At the very bottom you see the following comment)

<!-- Start of skin_wrapper -->

(After this comment, copy and paste the code below, then change the file name of the image to yours and change the parameters to your own. Make sure the image you use for your banner is in the folder "img".)

<p align="center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="img/MY-BANNER.jpg" alt="MY Blog" width="800" height="150"></a></p>

3 Jun 18, 2009 23:06

Okay don't double post stuff. It helps not at all. Plus this doesn't sound right because the basic idea of restoring a title requires restoring the title in blog settings.

So Web420 you should put your title back in your blog settings, then remove the widget from the container. Then check out the blog logo widget in the container you remove the blog title from. I'm pretty sure blog logo will link back to the blog home, which isn't always your web home. If you want to link back to a web home you would probably want to use the free html widget to do kinda like what you did with the tagline.

Be advised sometimes containers expect things to be <LI>s in a <UL> so you should remove or add a widget then do a view source to see the end result of the change.

4 Jun 19, 2009 09:59

Thanks everyone!
I got it to work by simply removing the title widget, and adding a free html widget to load my logo image.

5 Jun 18, 2010 12:21

Hello people
I want to do the same thing but I don't seem to be able to get my image to appear.

This is what I've done:

Uploaded locmar.jpg to the images directory. Checked the url - the image appears.
Added a free html widget in the Title container.
Posted this html

<p align="center">
<a href="" target="_blank">
<img border="0" src="images/locmar.jpg" alt="my web site" width="766" height="117"></a></p>

When I check my site, I only get the alt text.

I've tried changing the path to src="b2evolution/images/locmar.jpg" and "public_html/b2evolution/images/locmar.jpg" but that doesn't work. Does anyone have any ideas?


6 Jun 18, 2010 13:02

Sorry - got it:

src="../../images/locmar.jpg" works.

Don't necessarily copy that though! There's something probably a bit wrong in my paths or folder structure.

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