2 lturner Jul 11, 2009 09:28

I didn't even read before replying. Just wanted to note that the title of this thread when viewed in the "replies since your last visit" link is "Spam stuff without paypal". :roll:
Yeah cool that's good info. I know *nothing* about selling stuff online. So oscommerce sounds good. I suppose what'll happen here is I'll somehow learn stuff. Like get all the details about this band's paypal account and tinker as need be.
I'm not really into trying to stretch 247 into an e-commerce tool. I think that is best left to those who totally focus on it yah? I recall a user once who got all panty-bunched over how passwords are MD5'd on the server. OMG that is totally not secure!!! My reply was that since we're not storing naked pictures of his mom it wasn't a big concern ;)
Hi EdB
I have used oscommerce for a downloads site in the past. It allows you to specify X number of downloads and within a certain timeframe:
You can tie that into any payment gateway you choose including paypal. You can use paypal to pay by credit card so that shouldn't be a problem.
If you wanted to put something together yourself with b2evo then I am not so sure. I have only played around with paypal for purchasing things from the interweb and for that I hacked something together for their paypal instant payment notification (IPN). Someone clicks a 'buy now' button on site, goes through to paypal and make the payment, paypal redirects them back to your site. In the background IPN has pinged your script with the details of the purchase. My IPN script just sent an email with a purchase confirmation and download details etc. Yours could add user to b2evo with number of download left etc.
Not sure if any of that is of help but might give you something to look at :)