2 sam2kb Aug 17, 2009 03:05

Hello sam, How to fix (where, how to?)
When i click (Menu: Posts / Comments) after update v.2.6.4 to v.3.3.1
An unexpected error has occurred!
If this error persists, please report it to the administrator.
Go back to home page
Additional information about this error:
Unknown filterset []
- This is bug?
- About UserBlog Plugin? or other.
- How to solve a problem.
Ok sam i fix at items.ctrl.php
// Delete the pref_browse_tab setting so that the default
// (full) gets used the next time the user wants to browse
// a blog and we don't run into the same error again.
//$UserSettings->delete( 'pref_browse_tab' );
//debug_die( 'Unknown filterset ['.$tab.']' );
Don't double-post!
By the way I'd have a hard time calling it "fixed" when there is no release with a fix in it, but that's just me.
Title updated. ;)
You guys can grab the latest CVS version from here http://doc.b2evolution.net/b2evo_HEAD_snapshot.tgz
It's much more stable than released 3.3.1 "stable" :)
Not much of a challenge ;)
Fixed in v3.3.2, too.
Getting the same error here. I am deleting the posts that were installed with the installation when this error comes up.
An unexpected error has occurred!
If this error persists, please report it to the administrator.
Go back to home page
Additional information about this error:
Unknown filterset [1]
This is a brand new installation.
It does appear that I am deleting the posts.
I am having the same error, previously using 3.3.3, upgraded to 4.0.3 today.
I'm going to go look at the source file mentioned in earlier posts in this thread, but really, shouldn't the fix have been included in a release by now?
Ok, well now I have to ask...is commenting out the code in items.ctrl.php (lines 1038-1040) the *fix*, or was there supposed to be something else that resolved this issue?
I just want to make sure that I'm not going to cause problems on my site by commenting out those lines...
Thanks a lot for letting me know this great stuff. I was in the same boat with you. I will try it out all the stuff you have said above and will report you later.
Fixed in CVS