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1 Sep 13, 2009 09:38    

Kinda like widget manager. It makes a subtab on your Tools tab that lets you compare and copy settings from a 'master' blog to a specified target blog. You can't do all blogs at once though. Sorry - too much to code. Figure there is ~90 settings that might need to be copied, and technically that is a lowball estimate. See, each user (and each group) is a set of 13 settings that might be copied, so if you have 10 users that'll be 130 settings. And you can make all those users have the same permissions in blog N as they do in the master blog. Couple of clicks is all it takes.

Yay for me eh?

v2.4.7 is the ONLY tested version, and to be honest I didn't test it under a bunch of potential situations that might exist out there in the wilds. I tested it on a localhost installation that I kept dropping and re-installing and adding a few users with different permissions and memberships and stuff like that.

And it works. I can set up blog #1 to be "exactly what I want", then use a few clicks to copy the settings to blog #2 and a few more for blog #3. WAY better than hitting each blog's subtabs eh? if you're interested.

2 Sep 13, 2009 23:58

Nice plugin.
You may want to display a dropdown list of all blogs instead of asking for blog ID

Replace this on line 2190

$Form->text_input( $this->get_class_id().'_targetblog', $this->targetblog, '8', $this->T_('Target Blog ID'), $this->T_('The ID number of any one blog OTHER THAN the "master blog"'), array( 'maxlength' => '8' ) );

With this

$BlogCache = & get_Cache( 'BlogCache' );
$Form->select_object( $this->get_class_id().'_targetblog', $this->targetblog, $BlogCache, $this->T_('Target Blog ID'), $this->T_('The ID number of any one blog OTHER THAN the "master blog"' ) );

And edit plugin settings to

'masterblog' => array(
	'label' => $this->T_('Master Blog'),
	'type' => 'select_blog',

3 Sep 14, 2009 02:09

Hey I like that :) When I put some more time into this and fix the one non-critical bug I know of I'll add a dropdown. Much nicer especially since there is no option for multiple blogs or a word-for-lists type of thing.

4 Sep 14, 2009 02:58

Fixed in CVS :)

* CVS stands for "my hard drive". Spelling doesn't count ;)


I really ought to make it be cleaner code. Sledgehammering your way through every possible setting works, but it doesn't seem as smart as it should. Oh well eh? When writing it I figured "if each bit works then the whole will so just replicate working bits". Half way through the size of it started me down the "this is just sloppy" path.

7 Feb 02, 2010 21:50

you cant use "../" in the paths for some security issues

and your config.php file should look something like that:

Form is loading...