1 tilqicom Dec 20, 2009 01:13
3 tilqicom Dec 20, 2009 13:21
it is not popular, only gets 1k per day..
actually to be precise i have checked my db yesterday, it has been 10 days since the the before than that, and hitlog and sessions were each 9 mb and the user agents were 3-4 .. its not that big i know, but i just wondered.
4 tilqicom Mar 04, 2010 00:30
okay i wanna bring this up again, as i have just cleared my sessions-hitlog and other semi-useful tables 2 days ago and the hitlog grew 6mb in just 2 days, and i only get 1k visitors per day, is this normal ? and does these (tens or hundreds mb's of db tables) effect site performance, page loading speed etc (i assume it does but how much)[big enough to care to prune them everyday]?
because your blog is popular and gets many many many hits... also from indexing robots...