2 isaac Aug 05, 2004 16:59

But it would also be nice to see how many users at the same time are lookig at your site (the same as you have ont he forum)
you see that user x and y are logged in and also 2 guests are looking at your site at the same time.
In belgium and holland there is this script that is very popular, but unfortionatly, it a bit slow the last weeks.. At least than we can get rid of it.
I think that the "who's online" stuff is added in 0.9.1, but I'm not sure off the top of my head. You can get that version from the CVS if you wanna check it out.
If you have any comments about the user-tracking suggestion, go ahead and comment right on the todo list.
That would rock!! I think it would be really cool to see whos reading how many times a day and so fourth!! woo hoo!!
Nope. I'll add it to the todo list, though, cause I think that's cool as hell.