2 jmcausing Mar 15, 2010 08:09
open up style.css, and paste the below at the very end of the file, or make the changes accordingly.. read the comments
#rap {width:1000px;/* 700 to 1000 added +300 px to the total width*/}
/*where am i going to use that gained 300px */
#content {width:740px; /* sidebar looks wide enough, lets add all to the content - changed 440 to 740*/}
#top {background: white;/*the white background used to be a image so that it doesnt expand when you increase width, just used a color white*/}
and of course, header and footer backgrounds are images too, so you have to resize and reupload them accordingly
thank you tilqicom
Thank's tilqicom !!!
I will try it tomorrow, as I am breaking my brainz on the search comments right now ^_^ .....
Just wanted to say thanks. This post got me in the right direction. I also had to tinker with the header & footer widths, but that wasn't too hard.
For anyone else trying, basically just search for '700' and '680' and increase them by 300 (or whatever width you want).
After that, you need to resize some pics but that's easy.
pls check the file blogs\skins\intense\style.css
from there you can find more settings,width and more. just play with it. make sure to back up that file
you might wanna check this out too http://manual.b2evolution.net/Create_a_new_skin
good luck