My b2evolution Version: Not Entered
As i have hundreds of categories, it's a pain to choose from each time, scroll down all the way, back up, down again...
So i just made this quick hack and wanted to share:
The jquery part:
jQuery.uiTableFilter = function(jq, phrase, column, ifHidden){
var new_hidden = false;
if( this.last_phrase === phrase ) return false;
var phrase_length = phrase.length;
var words = phrase.toLowerCase().split(" ");
// these function pointers may change
var matches = function(elem) { }
var noMatch = function(elem) { elem.hide(); new_hidden = true }
var getText = function(elem) { return elem.text() }
if( column ) {
var index = null;
jq.find("thead > tr:last > th").each( function(i){
if( $(this).text() == column ){
index = i; return false;
if( index == null ) throw("given column: " + column + " not found")
getText = function(elem){ return jQuery(elem.find(
("td:eq(" + index + ")") )).text().addClass('bold')
// if added one letter to last time,
// just check newest word and only need to hide
if( (words.size > 1) && (phrase.substr(0, phrase_length - 1) ===
this.last_phrase) ) {
if( phrase[-1] === " " )
{ this.last_phrase = phrase; return false; }
var words = words[-1]; // just search for the newest word
// only hide visible rows
matches = function(elem) {;}
var elems = jq.find("tbody > tr:visible")
else {
new_hidden = true;
var elems = jq.find("tbody > tr")
var elem = jQuery(this);
jQuery.uiTableFilter.has_words( getText(elem), words, false ) ?
matches(elem) : noMatch(elem);
last_phrase = phrase;
if( ifHidden && new_hidden ) ifHidden();
return jq;
// caching for speedup
jQuery.uiTableFilter.last_phrase = ""
// not jQuery dependent
// "" [""] -> Boolean
// "" [""] Boolean -> Boolean
jQuery.uiTableFilter.has_words = function( str, words, caseSensitive )
var text = caseSensitive ? str : str.toLowerCase();
for (var i=0; i < words.length; i++) {
if (text.indexOf(words[i]) === -1) return false;
return true;
* Copyright (c) 2008 Greg Weber greg at
* documentation at
* allows table rows to be filtered (made invisible)
* <code>
* t = $('table')
* $.uiTableFilter( t, phrase )
* </code>
* arguments:
* jQuery object containing table rows
* phrase to search for
* optional arguments:
* column to limit search too (the column title in the table header)
* ifHidden - callback to execute if one or more elements was hidden
to call :
$(function() {
var theTable = $('table.catselect')
theTable.find("tbody > tr").find("td:eq(1)").mousedown(function(){
$("#filterfield").keyup(function() {
$.uiTableFilter( theTable, this.value );
theTable.find("tbody > tr:visible > td:eq(1)").mousedown();
return false;
}).focus(); //Give focus to input field
finally add the filter field,
open up ..\inc\items\model\_item.funcs.php
$r .= '<table cellspacing="0" class="catselect">';
and replace with:
$r .='<form id="filtercats">Filter: <input name="filterfield" id="filterfield"
value="" maxlength="30" size="30" type="text"></form><br>';
$r .= '<table cellspacing="0" class="catselect">';
include these two either in core under inc\items\model\_item.funcs.php or in admin skin chicago, and add the filter field..thats about it..
personally i hacked the _item.funcs.php, that i already have to hack it to add filter field..
you might want to polish it with highlighting, well i do, but i did this just before going sleep so i dont have time to add it, i ll update if i do later on.. and i d be happy if someone could do this into a plugin, so that we wont lose the changes with an upgrade
As i ve said, it was a pain to choose from hundreds of categories for me so, i have replaced the previous hack with another, this time with a highlight and step by steps instructions.
Again; i would be really happy if someone could make this into a plugin
Step 1:
Grab the [url=]filter_cats.js[/url] and upload it under "../rsc/js/"
Step 2:
Open up" ..\skins_adm\" and call the filter_cats.js with adding the following
Add the below to initiate:
and below for highlighted text and filter box styling:
Ideally right before </head>
Step 3:
Open up "../inc/items/model/_item.funcs.php and add the following line
before this line
in order to display the filter box.
Thats it..
Retold with picture:
It requires jQuery 1.2.6 or higher to work, but i didnt say anything about that as admin skins already include jquery by default.