2 andyp Apr 07, 2010 01:13
The free html widget is certainly one way to do it. You could also not use images and use css to style to text of the category links to be in a handwriting type font?
thx for answering
adding an html widget is actually the solution i found after days of digging into all the css and php files....
I think i always forget the KISS method (keep it simple stupid :)
I think you should use the help and tutorials.
I'm pretty new to all this as well, but have an idea for a possible work around.
If you have the ability to add a widget "Free HTML" you could name it Categories. In the Block content add you pictures with embedded links. This is how I worked around [url=http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?p=101471#101471]this situation[/url].