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1 Apr 29, 2010 15:53    

The error is:

Fatal error: Call to a member function get_permanent_url() on a non-object in /home/mydomain/public_html/inc/skins/_skin.funcs.php on line 139

The URL string that creates the error is:

WHEN the category number is not valid. If the category ID is valid, you don't get the error.

I've tested it with Category URLs on "Use extra-path: category path" and also "Use param: cat ID" - the error occurs on both options.

I suspect that bots are trolling and setting off the error, but shouldn't it go to a 404 or similar, rather than creating a fatal error?

4 Apr 29, 2010 18:15

Check the "Make canonical" option under "Category pages" on the SEO tab
Or uncheck "Meta description" in the same section

5 Apr 29, 2010 18:28

sam2kb wrote:

Check the "Make canonical" option under "Category pages" on the SEO tab
Or uncheck "Meta description" in the same section

Already done.

I believe the code is enough different between the two versions for the fix you linked to not work in 2.4.6.

I'm not a php coder or I'd try to figure it out myself.

6 Dec 12, 2011 16:27

Thank you very much! I found this thread extremely helpful!

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