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1 Aug 15, 2010 22:08    

Although there's a very outdated page explaining User Levels, the explanation given is quite useless:

User levels
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User levels (0-10) are almost completely deprecated in versions 0.9.2+.

Most of what a user can do or cannot do is controlled by the User permissions.

Starting with version 2.0, User with a higher level can be given permissions to edit posts by users of lower level, or of equal level.

In previous versions here is what user levels would allow:

* Level 1 and above:
o Ability to view link to admin section (users with level 0 can still login into admin, but there's no good reason for that, except in rare cases, so they'll have to find out by themselves...) (on versions < 0.9.2).
o Ability to upload images (on versions < 0.9.2).

* Level 2 and above:
o Ability to generate static pages (on versions < 2.0 -- In 2.0 ability to generate static pages is granted to anyone with any post permission.).

* Level 5 and above:
o Ability to edit timestamp on posts and comments.

Why is it necessary to have 10 levels? Or, if 10 levels are necessary why isn't there a complete, decent, explanation for each level?

Also, when lowest the level, the simplest the user's backoffice should be. Nothing more and nothing less of what the user can do should appear in the evobar o menu bar, which by the way, are redundant.

2 Oct 10, 2010 20:08

Levels are actually an outdated feature from b2 (before b2evolution).

Even the timestamp thing needs to be transformed into a real permission.

The only use of levels at the end is to all some users to edit posts from users with levels below them but not above them.

3 lxsparks Nov 03, 2010 15:44


I actually like and use Levels! The main site I used B2E on the levels is for a school and using levels allows Student Peers to check/edit posts by students, staff to oversee both of them and then the admin team to step in if required. Works very nicely!

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