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1 Aug 27, 2010 15:32    


I use b2evolution and like it a lot.

Today I had the idea to display the actual server time on the website. Unfortunately php code is not interpreted in the FreeHTML widget.
I don't think this is possible to do with Java, which works fine for local time.

Could the widget be enabled to parse php code to the interpreter?

Of course, I could make changes directly in the skin code but this might get messy at some stage :)



2 Sep 01, 2010 18:59

I think this has been discussed before. Search the forums for 'free php'.

Short answer is that I don't think it is going to happen.


4 Mar 04, 2019 11:54

If you are interested in a FreePHP plugin/widget I hope you found

1) If all you want is a timer or clock etc. you can use javascript which will work in a FreeHTML widget/plugin

2) You can also apply variable names to php values and call them via javascript.

You can see both of the above at

Both the [date] & [clock] and the [My Posts ... All collections ] use FreeHTML widgets. Both use javascript and the second calls on a php value to get the current user's ID

For details on displaying the server time see

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