2 fplanque Oct 16, 2010 03:07

error 500 relates to windows permissions and the rights to access the web site files.
but if this were the case, the entire blog site would be down, but thats not the case.
I am also wondering what is unique about the antispam url, when all the other blog options are available.
the bad url parameter is this /admin.php?ctrl=antispam
All the others work fine.
When in the admin, the Antispam tab is also missing from the tools tabs, I have the other 3 tabs present...Scheduler, System, Misc. but no Antispam.
Well out of desperation, i backed up the database and ran the 4.0.1 beta
upgrade, and guess what. the antispam panel still gives me the same error 500 grief that 3.3.3 gives me.
now im at a loss for iis 7.5 500 error. the spamers have defeated me.
there are 2 files in the inc/antispam folder.
antispam_list.ctrl.php and antispam_settings.ctrl.php
I can get in the antispam confrol fine only if I remark the code that checks permission below this...
// Check permission: or //Check minimum permission:
Then once i update the spam list i unremark it.
oh how crude.
Oh and yes my admin is a level 10, never been changed.
You might want to try and locate the IIS and PHP logs and look for details about the error there.