2 lturner Nov 25, 2010 15:29

lturner wrote:
You can group settings using the 'layout' settings in your skin class:
'some_cool_options_begin' => array( 'layout' => 'begin_fieldset', 'label' => $this->T_('My Cool Group Of Options'), ), ..... Cool settings go here.......... 'some_cool_options_end' => array( 'layout' => 'end_fieldset', ),
much appreciated
I made a thorough search but couldn't find anything..
isn't there additional parameters to customize other than layout & label ?
such as :
'basic_settings_begin' => array(
'layout' => 'begin_fieldset',
'label' => $this->T_('Basic Settings'),
'class' => 'asdasd',
'fieldset_class' => 'asdasd',
I have tried fieldset_title etc. nothing seems to work.How do we apply id or class to those fieldset groups ?
I don't think this is possible using built in parameters.
lturner wrote:
I don't think this is possible using built in parameters.
i guess there is supposed to be, it does not make sense to call all fieldset id's same in the first place, and i have seen somewhere in docs there was;
fieldset_wrapper_$class$ to customize <div id="fieldset_wrapper_" class="fieldset_wrapper fieldset">
but can't figure out how to.
'fieldset_begin' => '<div class="fieldset_wrapper$class$" id="$id$"><h2 $title_attribs$>$fieldset_title$</h2>',
OK, I have had a look in the code and it seems that you can use the following parameters:
'id' => 'mycoolid',
'class' => 'mycoolclass',
The only problem is that as far as I can tell any setting that has a ''layout' => 'begin_fieldset'," ignores these settings.
Doesn't really help you I'm afraid :(
thanks for the follow up.
I have searched the docs literally for hours.Just when i thought i found sth, it turns out to be nothing.Adding a tab/panel/fieldset of settings in a plugin/skin shouldn't be this hard.No wonder why people aren't developing for b2 anymore.
has this fieldset id / class thing been fixed ?
In v5 you can add plain HTML in settings.
'whatever' => array(
'layout' => 'html',
'value' => '<h2>My cool header here</h2>',
sam2kb wrote:
In v5 you can add plain HTML in settings.
'whatever' => array( 'layout' => 'html', 'value' => '<h2>My cool header here</h2>', ),
cool.. the more reason to long for v5
sam2kb wrote:
In v5 you can add plain HTML in settings.
'whatever' => array( 'layout' => 'html', 'value' => '<h2>My cool header here</h2>', ),
Is this v5 is the latest one? I guess it has lot options to ad than the other version.
You can group settings using the 'layout' settings in your skin class: