2 sam2kb Jan 02, 2011 01:57

Thanks.. fixed base URL...
but i'm not sure which line to remove from file /skins/gossip_city/index.main.php... line 111-
<div class="PostHead">
<div class="PostTime">
<span class="dateonly">
$Item->issue_time( array(
'time_format' => 'F n, Y @ ',
'before' => ' ',
'after' => '',
)); ?>
This one
'time_format' => 'F n, Y @ ',
You don't have to remove it actually, just comment-out
// 'time_format' => 'F n, Y @ ',
I think i made a mistake.. I put it this way:
$Item->issue_time( array(
// 'time_format' => 'F n, Y @ ',
'before' => ' ',
'after' => '',
)); ?>
and there are no dates.... :(
That was my mistake. Try this
'time_format' => locale_datefmt(),
It's working now :)
Thanks a bunch!~
no problem
Welcome to the forum!
You have an extra slash in b2evo base URL. You should edit the file /blogs/conf/_basic_config.php and set $baseurl = 'http://onlineenglish4u.com/blogs/';
Regarding the wrong date, remove the following line from file /skins/gossip_city/index.main.php:114