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1 Jan 05, 2011 03:22    

I use b2evo as the blog tool for my school. Several teachers have become interested in using blogs as part of their classes - in which students write posts and comments. The teachers want only students in a particular class to be able to post or comment on the blog.

I have used group permissions to make this work. However, as more teachers want to have students blog, I will have some students who need access to more than one blog and therefore should belong to more than one group - the group for English 11 and the group for Algebra II.

Since a user can belong to only one group, I will have to assign some users to a second blog with user permissions instead of group permissions. This will increase the chance for configuration errors (to near 100%), and will generally make the job harder than it would be otherwise.

In looking at the database structure, I think that I would probably split the group membership field into another table (instead of a field in evo_user). A user would have a record in this new table for each group he is a member of.

I've not spent any time looking at the code for this yet. What are the implications? Is there a better way? Is anyone already working on this?

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