2 sam2kb Sep 19, 2011 07:27

I tried to set up blogging by email, but got "Unable to access media directory. No attachments processed"
I checked chmod but seems other prob.
Connecting and authenticating to mail server.
✔ Success
Reading messages from server.
➜ 2 messages
Message #2:
✔ MIME message decoding successful.
Subject: neu: TH50 Preis_und_Lieferzeit_über_diese _Vorrichtung
Plain-text message part saved as /tmp/b2evo5550125/1
Attachment: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Sch=E4lkraft=5FAufnahme=5FV1.0=5F.doc?= stored as /tmp/b2evo5550125/2
Attachment: DIN EN 1939.pdf stored as /tmp/b2evo5550125/3
Attachment: TH50_DIN-EN-1939_Bestimmung-der-Klebekraft.jpg stored as /tmp/b2evo5550125/4
Attachment: TH50+SW..jpg stored as /tmp/b2evo5550125/5
Attachment: TH50+SW.jpg stored as /tmp/b2evo5550125/6
Attachment: TH50+S31-Sonderaubau-seitlich-verschiebbar.jpg stored as /tmp/b2evo5550125/7
Attachment: TH50+SW2_90Grad-schwenkbar.jpg stored as /tmp/b2evo5550125/8
Attachment: TH50-P2_mit_aufbauplatte.jpg stored as /tmp/b2evo5550125/9
Attachment: TH50-S19..jpg stored as /tmp/b2evo5550125/10
Attachment: TH50_Datasheet_English.pdf stored as /tmp/b2evo5550125/11
Attachment: TH50_Datenblatt_Deutsch.pdf stored as /tmp/b2evo5550125/12
Attachment: TH50-in-machine steel wires blue.jpg stored as /tmp/b2evo5550125/13
Attachment: FinatTestMethods-TH50-TH49-Tack.pdf stored as /tmp/b2evo5550125/14
Message content: > > das ist der Text der veröffentlicht wird, oder? >> >> >> >> >> ------------ >> _: >> ___________________ das kommt nicht mehr >> >
Authenticating user: automatic
✔ Success.
Category ID: 77
Blog ID: 14
Checking permissions for user «automatic» to post to Blog #14
✔ Pass.
Unable to access media directory. No attachments processed.
Fatal error: Class 'Item' not found in /www/htdocs/w00cb980/grip.de/B2evoBlog/b2blogs/cron/getmail.php on line 680
so I tried changing the media setting and giving the "automatic" blogger Admin rights -- without success
the code in 680 ist
if( $do_real_posting )
$edited_Item = new Item();
$post_ID = $edited_Item->insert( $current_User->ID, $post_title, $content, $post_date, $post_category, array(), 'published', $current_User->locale );
// Execute or schedule notifications & pings:
echo_message( '✔ Message posting successful.', SUCCESS, 2 );
echo_message( '➜ Post title: ' . htmlspecialchars( $post_title ), INFO, 3 );
echo_message( '➜ Post content: ' . htmlspecialchars( $content ), INFO, 3 );
can anybody help me ?
This means that blog directory is does not exist. Try to access this directory from file manager, preferably under "automatic" user
Fixed in v4.1.0-beta