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1 Mar 03, 2011 20:23    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

Can anyone tell me why changing normal font in posts doesn't work in Chita? I'm assuming the CSS is forcing something but I can't seem to find it...

2 Mar 03, 2011 22:29

a link would help.
and next time, instead of creating new topic for such minor issues, would you please report to the skin's support thread ?

4 Mar 04, 2011 00:39

Ethan5150 wrote:

this post has both bold and italic parts

no it doesnt.view the source code and see for youself.

5 Mar 04, 2011 02:07

no it doesnt.view the source code and see for youself.

The source does indeed reveal <strong> and <em> tags that aren't showing up as bold or italic when viewing the post.

6 Mar 04, 2011 03:24

On top of style.css ( styles are reset

/*browser resets and grids*/

This is a well known technique with this side-effect that you need to redefine both <strong> and <italc> by adding something like

p em {
  font-weight: bold;
p i {
  font-style: italc;

You can do that in several ways depending on flavor and education (as is the decision to reset the style at the top of the stylesheet) so I leave details to you.

7 Mar 04, 2011 09:18

yea, i have missed it. but why strong, what's wrong with <b></b> if all you want is to make the text bold ?

8 Mar 04, 2011 15:44

yea, i have missed it. but why strong, what's wrong with <b></b> if all you want is to make the text bold ?

Nothing's wrong with it. Except when an average non-html type person clicks on the Bold button in the TinyMCE editor... it uses the <strong> tag instead. ;)

9 Mar 04, 2011 16:21

BushLeagueCritic wrote:

yea, i have missed it. but why strong, what's wrong with <b></b> if all you want is to make the text bold ?

Nothing's wrong with it. Except when an average non-html type person clicks on the Bold button in the TinyMCE editor... it uses the <strong> tag instead. ;)

so in an ideal world the stupid TinyMCE would insert <b></b> instead of <strong>.

I dont know for sure, which is right, but using <b> for bold text sounds more right semantically.strong and em should be used for additional purposes.

10 Mar 14, 2011 22:58

...and what about Italic? Currently it's being denoted as <em> (bottom paragraph) which isn't displaying as italic.

Should I do as Afwas suggested and drop

/*browser resets and grids*/
p em { 
  font-weight: bold; 
p i { 
  font-style: italic; 

into the css? Tilqicom, I know this skin is pretty complex, will this mess anything else up? There's a lot of browser resets in there already... does this just go in there with the rest?

11 Mar 15, 2011 00:09

I would suggest:

/*browser resets and grids*/
p em {
  font-style: italic;
p strong {
  font-weight: bold;

Unless the <strong> and <em> tags are being styled somewhere else in the skin's CSS, there should be no problem.

12 Mar 15, 2011 00:40

Ok, well it's updated and looks good. I'll just cross my fingers it doesn't break something else. Thanks everyone!

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