b2evolution CMS Support Forums
- b2evolution Support
- Templates, skins, XHTML and CSS
- [4.0.3] Implementing a front, home or splash type feature
1 _cxc_ Mar 10, 2011 21:14

My b2evolution Version: 4.0.3
I mentioned this in chat and was encouraged to post in the forum so it could be discussed. This was originally mentioned at the #b2evolution chat on freenode.net (I dump in with webchat - http://webchat.freenode.net/ - instead of using a client, my handle is gW_Doc) and this was the brief discussion ...
[04:17] <gW_Doc> if anyone is actually here are there any good resources about _disp pages or something I can use to learn how to make an actual *splash* type home page instead of dumping directly into the blog?
[04:20] <gW_Doc> ... and why has no one ever made a skin with a conditional _disp page that includes a container that widgets can be added to, I just don't understand why there is no true front page with b2e and I want to see if I can figure out a way to give it one o.O
[06:34] <tilqi_wr> hi
[06:36] <tilqi_wr> there is an easy way to do it
[06:37] <tilqi_wr> skin_include( '$disp$', array(
[06:37] <tilqi_wr> 'disp_home' => '_home.disp.php',
[06:38] <tilqi_wr> it's a good idea to have it as an option in a skin
[06:39] <tilqi_wr> if you havent already you may wish to create a new topic in forums
... if at all possible be very descriptive when explaining things to me, I understand code but that doesn't mean I know what you are saying. This has been a common request and mentioned in many forum post but I've not seen a decent solution worked out ... that's what this post is about.
What would be a good method of adding a front, home or splash type page to a skin?
Sorry about the rambling, I try to type the way I think and other than typos, you get it the way it comes out of my head, I rarely *clean up* what I type o.O