Hello forum visitors and operators.
I found a small bug in inc/_core/ui/forms/_form.class.php .
I just installed b2evolution to create a blog.
When I finished my skin I tried to validate XTML and CSS.
The XHTML validation reported a syntax fault.
The fieldset for the submit and preview buttons on the comment form and also in some other places had sth. like
<fieldset id ="" class= " fieldset">
Of course the W3c validator and also Validome complained about an empty id.
Took me some time to find the file where this is created.
I found it in the above mentioned php file.
To fix the error change the following on line 485
$field_params['id'] = ' ';
$field_params['id'] = NULL; // noRiddle took off the '' and replaced them by NULL
which takes the empty id off.
Doing this you can also delete the empty space before the class fieldset in line 476
$field_params['class'] = ' fieldset';
Since Validation is important to me and may be also to others, I thought I share this.
Posted this also in "b2evolution Support" which was probably the wrong place.
If that is so, I kindly ask a moderator to delete the post there.
! Could anyone knowing more about the relation between all files, params and variables confirm my changes ? , thanks.
P.S. Is it possible that the time settings on this forum aren't set properly ?
I posted my post at about 16:51 and set the time zone in my profile to GMT + 2,
which should be correct for Germany (summertime)
The post shows 12:51 though...
Thanks for the info. I'll check it.